2016 Integrated Report

Feedback questionnaire regarding Pelion S.A.’s 2016 Integrated Annual Report

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are releasing our fifth Integrated Annual Report, which provides a combined summary of Pelion’s financial and non-financial performance in 2016. You are welcome to read it, and also encouraged to share your opinions and feedback. They will allow us to improve on our reporting process, aligning it more closely with your needs.


How would you rate Pelion’s responsiveness to the actual needs and expectations of its stakeholders?

If poor, why?


How would you rate the way the report presents the organisation’s performance in the broad context of sustainable development?

If poor, why?


How would you rate the report’s treatment of material issues, i.e. issues which reflect the organisation’s substantial economic, environmental and social impact and have a significant effect on stakeholders’ opinions and decisions?

If poor, why?


How would you rate the completeness of information contained in the report?

If poor, why?


How would you rate the symmetry of information contained in the report (presentation of both positive and negative aspects of the organisation’s activities)?

If poor, why?


How would you rate the comparability of information contained in the report?

If poor, why?


How would you rate the accuracy of information contained in the report (level of detail and accuracy)?

If poor, why?


How would you rate the currency of information contained in the report (does the report contain current information that is useful in evaluating Pelion)?

If poor, why?


How would you rate the clarity of information contained in the report (whether it is easily comprehensible to stakeholders reading the report)?

If poor, why?


How would you rate the reliability of information contained in the report?

If poor, why?


Which section of the report did you find most important?

Other / Please specify


How would you rate the clarity and readability of the report?

If poor, why?


How would you rate the visual quality of the report?

If poor, why?


What should be changed in the manner of presentation of the report?


Which institution do you represent?

Other. Please specify